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The Bio Constellations, conceived by Gabriele Policardo, are an innovative tool that helps the person through the biological investigation of the symptom and its understanding from a systemic point of view.  

They combine Bert Hellinger's Family and Systemic Constellations with Dr. Geerd Hamer. 

Thus, today we have the opportunity to observe how a physical symptom is the manifestation of a "suspended relationship" with a member of our family system. The "staging" of the theme of discomfort allows us to observe and understand "WHO" our symptom represents and put into action a movement of reconciliation and re-union.

Edited by

Barbara Dallabrida


For information contact:
+39 339 3771170 
FB Group: Family Bio Constellations Trento


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The art of the facilitator in BioCostellazioni is to bring together what is separate and bring order where disorder reigns . 

Alla scoperta dei Balcani on the road, per conoscere nuove culture e scoprire cosa si nasconde dietro una lunga storia travagliata, oltre che godere delle bellezze incontaminate di una natura ancora in parte non completamente intaccata dall'uomo.


Minerva is an independent and neutral association that promotes and develops cultural activities related to the arts, education and health.

Minerva promotes a culture of respect for human rights and enhancement of the creative, spiritual and educational potential of every human being . 

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